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Cyprus..Is the island of Ahprodite..the island of Love.Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean and enjoys one of the healthiest climates in the world.It has an average of 330 days of sunshine a year with hot dry summers and delightful springs which see green fields and flowers blossoming everywhere.There are many reasons to choose Cyprus as your holiday destination:The excellent standard of accommodation complemented by a host of facilities and highly efficient service-an incomparable status in the Mediterranean-and its true to say that the Cypriots are proud of it and constantly aim to provide the best.You will also appreciate the wonderful climate;the fact that English is extensively and well spoken;goods in the shops have familiar brand names;Cypriots drive on left; a fascinating history very much in evidence throughout the island;some attractive handicraft to bring back home; exciting and varied nightlife-the list could go on and on but above all the greatest attraction is its people,their hospitality is absolutely second to none.In Cyprus you can really relax and enjoy the countrys natural beauty wherever you go and whatever time of the year brings you to Cyprus.


WELCOME TO UNSPOILT BEAUTY MEDITERRANEAN ISLAND CYPRUS....We've got plenty of advice and tips to help you on your way


When to go:The best time to go to Cyprus depends on the kind of experience you wish to have. With its intense Mediterranean climate, the island's weather is easy to predict. The summer months of June to September are hot and action-packed.August in particular is the peak of Cyprus' tourist season, when locals squeeze up next to tourists on beaches and restaurant benches.Accommodation prices go up quite a lot during these months so if you're on a budget, avoid the height of summer and go for the shoulder seasons - April/May and September/October - instead.


Want adventure and excitement? North Cyprus offers the adrenaline-seeker the thrills of action watersports on the warm waters of the Mediterranean, challenging diving amongst wreaks and rocks, and the unmissable experience of paragliding from the mountains to the coast, soaring with the eagles.Where else can you play golf in the mountains in the morning, sail in the afternoon and race pro go karts by night?Northern Cyprus, of course!

The culture-lover has plenty to explore in Northern Cyprus too, from fascinating Neolithic sites to Roman remains complexes lapped by the sea,Crusader Castles perched high in the mountains to monasteries covered in priceless frescoes.


North Cyprus Language:Although, Turkish is the official language, English is also widely used and understood. Many hotels employ German speaking personnel. Some of the hotels have Arabic or French speaking personnel, too.



-Golden Beach - one of the finest and longest sandy beaches in the world where Green and Loggerhead turtles land to make their nests;

-Playing Golf at the new 18-hole professional and eco-friendly Korineum golf course in Esentepe near Girne;

-The Bellapais Music Festival lights up the Abbey with music in May-June, bringing together international musicians from around the world;

-The Eastern Mediterranean Yacht Rally, an exciting sporting event in the North Cyprus sailing calendar, with over 100 yachts taking part on the route from Istanbul to Kemer and Alanya in Turkey, before crossing to Girne in North Cyprus - the boats arrive in May to a big party on the island before crossing back to Turkey and onto the Middle East for the final leg.

-Eco-Village Tourism in B�y�kkonuk, the pilot village for eco-tourism in North Cyprus where you can learn to make local arts and crafts, as well as enjoying the incredibly peaceful and rustic village life and friendly Turkish Cypriot hospitality.

-Mountain Walks on the Five Finger Mountains with nothing to disturb you but the gentle flutter of birds and butterflies mingled with the fragrance of wild flowers floating through the air;

-Scuba Diving to explore one of the world's oldest shipwrecks, dating from Alexander the Great's time 2,300 years ago

-Orchids are plentiful on the island, including many endemic species.

-�eftali Kebab, a Turkish Cypriot speciality made with minced meat, chopped onion and spices, wrapped in lamb fat and grilled;

-Brandy Sour Cocktail: Regarded by many as the national drink, this deliciously refreshing long drink is made from a blend of local brandy, bitters, lemon squash and soda;

-Delicious locally produced wine, Chateau St. Hilarion (Cabernet Sauvignon), available at all good restaurants in North Cyprus;



Bird Watching:North Cyprus is still relatively undiscovered so wildlife flourishes,with some 220 species of birds touching down on the island every year on their migratory passage,and 347 different species in Cyprus.Migrant birds are even more plentiful than native birds such as the Cyprus warbler (seven of which are unique to Cyprus), which include birds such as swallows, swifts, hoopoe, masked shrike and little ringed plovers.Indeed,during the migratory period (heading northwards during March to May and southwards between August and October), birds flock from Turkey in particular, - hence, the best times for bird watching are in the spring and autumn. There is also an abundance of butterflies in North Cyprus, including species which are unique to the region, such as the strangely-shaped festoon and Cleopatra butterflies adorned with the colours of sunshine.Bird Watching Sites:One of the best places to watch both resident and migrant birds such as the blue rock thrush,spectacled warbler and black-headed bunting birds in North Cyprus is in the Five Finger Mountains,where pine and cypress trees abound with them.Picturesque spots include the hill-top castles such as the Kantara Castle, where you may be able to spot the griffon vulture traversing the winds on its 2m wingspan,as well as buzzards and falcons.Or, you may prefer to venture further afield to the Karpaz Panhandle, a major migratory passage-point for many birds such as the golden orioles and bee-eaters, as well as two game birds, the francolin and chikor partridges.The Klidhes Islands, located off the tip of the Karpaz, are also a fascinating bird-watching haven for marine birds such as the Audouin's Gulls, cormorants and shags, as well as falcons in March and April. Other good bird watching areas include Bogaz (near Gazimagusa), the area surrounding Arapkoy, in particular the Camlibel shore road,Kormacit Burnu,the Kalkanli region and the Yedidalga-Gemikonagi area. Paphos Birdpark Situated 15km from Paphos and 6km past Coral Bay.Tel: 26 831852. This unique experience will acquaint you with one of the largest bird collections including exotic parrots and eagles as well as an interesting variety of animals such as deer and giant tortoises. The park is committed to the breeding and conservation of birds, animals and plant life of Cyprus.


North Cyprus Orchids:The orchids are a fascination to all that visit North Cyprus for their rarity and beauty.The wild orchid flora comprises 32 confirmed species and subspecies, some which bear similarity to the European varieties such as pyramidal and autumn lady tresses orchids - but there are also many more exotic species including the naked man orchid, tongue-flowered serapias and the violet limodore, which can be found anywhere from rocky mountainsides to shady tree roots.Familiar lowland species include the monkey orchid, holy orchid and bug orchid.The smallest are the bee orchids, which look akin to, and even smell like, female wasps. Male wasps are attracted to the orchid, believing it is a female, so when they fly off after having realised their error, they carry the flower's pollen away with them.Two species, the Cyprus bee orchid and the Lapithos bee orchid are endemic to Cyprus.The best place to see bee orchids is at the herbarium at the Alevkaya forest station in North Cyprus.The other plant you should not miss is the Golden Drop, a species unique to the island, whose golden bells pop out from furry green pods.


North Cyprus Eco-System:With an average of only 51 people per square kilometre, North Cyprus has the enviable reputation of being relatively free of pollution, industry or high concentrations of population.Northern Cyprus has 387 km of coastline and pine, cypress and maquis covered hillsides and is a haven for wildlife. Northern Cyprus plays host to over 1600 plant species 350 species of birds, and 26 different species of reptile and amphibian. The two main reasons for this amazing diversity are, that Cyprus was not affected by the last ice-age, and secondly, that Cyprus forms a resting, and nesting, station for birds migrating between Africa & Eastern Europe.


Flora:As Cyprus enjoys the Mediterranean climate the natural flora of the Island is rich and interesting to the botanist, as well as to the uninitiated.The Summer visitors to the Island will be struck by the apparent barrenness of the plains and foothills which are frequently bare of trees for miles. This seeming infertility derives from the fact that the greater part of the lowland flora consist of winter annuals.The Island, being in the Eastern part of the Mediterranean, does not get enough rainfall in Summer.But the animals to be found in the island have a wide-spread origin. Some can also be found in North West Europe, while others can be found in South Africa.


Scuba Diving in North Cyprus:North Cyprus offers you one of the longest scuba diving seasons in the Mediterranean so why not take advantage during your holiday or vacation to keep those skills sharp.Crystal-clear, unpolluted water where the marine life is still undisturbed and underwater visibility can be more than 30 meters. In the deep and warm blue you will meet sting rays, amber jacks, scorpions, bream, grouper, cuckoo, wrasse, and now and then a sea turtle.The under water terrain is an ideal place for octopus and moray eel, colorful sponges and corals, as well as treasures from ancient times.You can choose from about twenty scuba diving sites east and west of Kyrenia as well as safaris to scuba dive other places along the coast.There are sites that will give the experienced diver thrills and the warm, crystal-clear water and limited depth provide perfect learning conditions for beginners.You can experience wreck diving including the site where in the 1960's one of the oldest shipwrecks was found - 2,300 years old, dating from the time of Alexander the Great.The excavated hull of the ship, together with its cargo is housed in a special museum in Kyrenia Castle.Scuba Diving along the coast of North Cyprus is not allowed on your own.And it is illegal to move or touch any historical artifacts. 


Wild Donkeys of North Cyprus:The "wild donkeys" of North Cyprus are, strangely enough, descendants of domestic donkeys that were left to roam over the Karpaz Peninsula after the 1970s. Donkeys were once important for the island's agriculture,carrying olives from the groves and cereals to the mills, and most families would have at least one donkey.Then, during the Second World War, the British Army even used them for transport, as they were so suited to the uneven landscape.Today, these wild donkeys are protected by the state and around 500 Karpaz donkeys remain on the remotest parts of the Karpaz panhandle,a truly wonderful sight to behold.


Mountain Goats:As autumn sets in and the colours of the landscape begir to change, you may wish to take a walk in the hills and low mountains of the island. On such walks there is a strong possibility that you will come across the friendly ightly obstinate but smart wild mountain goat. Th get close to iem one has to keep very quiet. If you wish to feed&hem, you gain have to be very careful, as this legendary creature is very articular in it feeding habits.Along with the wild donkey, the mountain goat is one of the most mportant features of Northern Cypriot wildlife. They are most ~revalent in the Esentepe and Alevkayasi regions, as well as at the ip of the Karpaz peninsula. In these areas they can be seen roamir free, although they are sometimes tamed by local shepherds who entice them into the fold with food. They tend to be more irritable than the domestic variety and their colouring is also different from that of the domestic goat, which tends to be brown as opposed to the white, black and grey of the mountain goat.


Turtles of North Cyprus:Offshore, the famous sea turtles of North Cyprus mingle with a fantastic range of fish that draw divers from around the world. These splendid creatures come ashore on the golden beaches in May to lay their eggs, about 40 cm down, before carefully re-covering them with sand and heading back out to sea. Then, two months later, in July, baby turtles hatch through their leathery eggs and dig their way to the surface before scuttling out to sea to meet their parents.Modern developments have driven the turtles from all but a few of their nesting sites in the rest of the Mediterranean, but the quieter bays of North Cyprus and the Turkish shoreline offer breeding sanctuaries for the 300 green turtles and around a thousand loggerhead and caretta caretta turtles that live in the region. It is impossible not to be in awe of these fantastic creatures and the beauty of their natural habitat.Turtle Watching on Alagadi Beach Indeed, as well as nesting on approximately 88 sandy beaches around Girne, on the Karpaz Peninsula and Gazima�usa Bay, Alagadi Turtle Beach, east of Girne, is dedicated a specially protected area for these endangered Green and Loggerhead Turtles. The Ministry of Environment of North Cyprus works together with The Centre for Ecology and Conservation at The University of Exeter in Cornwall to monitor these creatures and work for their survival. The Society for the Protection of Turtles (SPOT) also works with teams from British universities to study nesting sites and release baby turtles securely into the sea at this "Turtle HQ". You too can watch and help the turtles at Alagadi beach, join the SPOT team on their nightly surveys of hatching activity.


Paragliding:Your North Cyprus paragliding company will usually collect you from Kyrenia and take you to the main take-off site just to the west of St Hilarion Castle, and return you to Kyrenia from the landing point. Highline offer three flying sites, "Paradise" at 2500 feet looking over the coast a Kyrenia, "Baba" at 2530 feet, which flies through a valley and over the village of Ilgaz, and one on the Karpaz Peninsula, which takes off from a sand dune 100 metres high and lands you on a sandy beach.


Horse Riding:Situated in Karaoglanoglu, Kyrenia.With 42 horses it gives certificated courses to both locals and tourists. During these courses, one can learn how to ride a horse (paddock) and to wander around with horse.The club also arranges guided tours with picnic. To wear a helmet is obligatory during the courses.If walking in the mountains seems like hard work, why not try horse riding instead! The Catalkoy Riding Club offer lessons and treks through the Kyrenia Mountains, on trips that include picnic stops and visits to the historical sights. All rides are led by trained, professional instructors, and hard hats must be worn. If you're not used to horse riding, it might be an idea to have a lesson or two before leaving home, to remind your riding muscles what's involved.


Jeep Safari:This off road adventure takes you over the mountain tops to savour the view below. The track takes us through a natural landscape of limestone mountains and green valleys with eagles hunting their prey. Experience the terrain as you have never before. Jeep is open sided for fabulous photo opportunites.


Mountain Bike,SUV Tours:Located in Alsancak 5 minutes walking distance from our hotel.4x4 Suzuki Jimnies soft tops so you can go off-roading.We must emphasise that we have special permission to go off-road and proper insurance, which is not the case with most of the self-drive operators, whose vehicles often leave something to be desired! The 4x4 off roading is particularly suitable for groups and clubs.They organise wild camps in the Karpaz and other interesting events.


Shooting in Kyrenia:TRNC Shooting Federation was first born in 1974 under the name of Hunting and Shooting Federation.In 1996 Hunting and Shooting was divided into two different federations, Hunting Federation and Shooting Federation,which is the Federation standing now. According to the ambargo which is held against TRNC, we are not able to participate in any international competitions, which we have been struggling for many years. Considering all these negativity, we are still continuing to stand on our own feet. Shooting in TRNC is done with the rules of ISSF and International norms with international, modern and high technology ranges.Gonyeli Shooting Range has Trap Range, Trap-Skeet Range, Compaq Sporting Range, Skeet Range and Magosa Shooting Range has Trap Range and Skeet Range.For more information please call 090 392 223 3852 


Go Karting:Feel the need, the need for speed! North Cyprus offers one of the best go-karting circuits in the Mediterranean.Go-karting is for young and old, ages 7 to 70, and gives you the thrills of motor-racing without the need for Formula 1 major sponsorship deals! The single engine karts zip around at speeds of up to 90kmh, and being close to the ground, hug the corners far more effectively than a normal car.


Golf Holidays:If you prefer the cooling sea breezes on the coast to accompany your golfing in North Cyprus, then Cengiz Topel Golf Course near Guzelyurt is for you. The course features two loops of nine holes, with a total par of 70 and a total distance of 5,233 yards. There are enough features to challenge the experienced golfer as well as the novice, especially on the seaside holes. In places, greens are replaced with browns, a mixture of sand and oil that provides a good surface for putting.The new Korineum Golf Course is the first 18 hole international standard golf course in North Cyprus, and boasts the usual range of features, including greens, sand bunkers and water hazards.The 6,600 yards-long course is set amongst natural greenery and scenery, including mature trees and shrubs, so it feels like a long-established golf course in North Cyprus, not a new and soulless one.


CYPRIOT CUISINE:Unsurprisingly most of the traditional food and drink in North Cyprus nowadays is very similar to mainland Turkish cuisine though more modern European influences are now beginning to become apparent as are Asian influences and you can find traces of tradition from as far away as the Balkans to Northern Africa in the food and drink of Northern Cyprus today.


Soups A soup is generally served to start a meal rather than being the centre of the meal: though some of the heavier, richer and more substantial soups are a meal in themselves!  The most common and best loved soup is lentil but expect to see offered tarhana soup, tarhana is a mixture of crushed wheat and yoghurt, rice, noodle or humus soup, and even chicken soup on menus in Northern Cyprus.Pilaf Pilaf is rice or cracked wheat carefully cooked so as not to become sticky, sometimes mixed with vegetables like peas or aubergine and either served alone as part of a many-course menu, or served in small potions as an accompaniment to meat dishes.Mezes A selection of hot and cold hors d'oeuvres often served with drinks before a meal to entice the appetite, or they can form the main part of a meal when served with bread and salad.Dishes are generally plentiful and they tend to keep on coming! Don't eat everything put in front of you because you will quickly be too full to keep sampling the tasty dishes that will likely include cacik (a yoghurt dish), chakistes (a green olive dish), humus, tahin, fried hellim, various salads and pickles, calamari and fried aubergines to name but a very few.KebabsThere are so many different kebab specialities that you have to keep trying them to find your favourite!  Kebabs are dishes of meat which are either grilled or stewed, the meat is either plain or marinated and it's either served on skewers, in bread or sliced.Sis kebab is probably the most well know dish and it is made of chunks of lamb and vegetables all skewered together and then cooked over charcoal.Kebabs are mainly made of lamb but expect to also find vegetable, chicken, beef and fish kebabs available.Main Dishes Other than kebabs there are a myriad of main dish available offering something for everyone and these include the likes of Kofte (meatballs), Dolma (stuffed vegetables, meat or fish), Bumbar, beans and vegetable dishes.Turkish Coffee:The Turkish coffee has been introduced to the West by the Ottoman Turks in the fifteenth century. It is very popular all over the world today and is preferred as a delicacy in most fashionable circles. The secret of making Turkish coffee is that the coffee beans are ground into a fine powder and then it is cooked together with sugar producing a thick cream on top. Turkish coffee is served in small coffee cups, and in three ways, called sade , which is unsweetened, orta , which is moderately sweet, and sekerli , which is very sweet. One is always asked before the coffee is brewed which of the three one would like.Hellim:Hellim cheese, or Halloumi, as it is also known, is the most unique of the Cypriot delicacies. It is full fat soft cheese made of whole goat's milk, salt and a hint of mint.You can buy packaged halloumi at a local Middle Eastern grocery. Dice into small cubes for salads or serve with biscuits, cucumber or melon. It also makes a superb side dish, as well as fried or grilled topping.


SHOPPING IN NORTH CYPRUS:If you're on holiday and what to treat yourself or your family and friends back home there are plenty of gift items to choose from,especially in Kyrenia and some of the tourist hotspots like Bellapais.You can choose from very attractively priced gold and jewellery items for sale in Kyrenia and where you can actually get your own designs for jewellery made up or buy excellent copies of some designer items for way beneath the normal designer prices.You can also get a lot of what I call 'genuine fake' items of jewellery,clothing and accessories.From Louis Vuitton bags to Rolex watches, it's all available at the 'right price' in North Cyprus.Dizayn'74 Pottery:Located just on the outskirts of Girne lies this working pottery studio where all wares are hand crafted and decorated on site.These make great gifts and personal momentos of Northern Cyprus.


BANKS AND CURRENCY:In TRNC, numerous Turkish and Turkish Cypriot operate and they are open from Monday to Friday (except public holidays) between 08.00-12.00/14.00-16.00 hours. Turkish lira is used as the local currency. There is no restriction for the import of foreign currency into Northern Cyprus, however, the export of currency is restricted to US-dollars 3000, or the equivalent in other currencies. Exchanging all the currencies in banks, exchange offices and in hotels, is possible. Visa card, credit card, master and euro cards, checks etc. can be used in place of cash.


TAX FREE SHOPPING IN NORTH CYPRUS:Luxury items such as the gold and jewellery that North Cyprus is famous for as well as designer clothing, textiles and electrical goods will all fall within the sphere of the scheme meaning that North Cyprus is likely to become a great value destination and according to the government the ultimate aim of the legislation change is to make TRNC the cheapest country for shopping in the whole region.Those who wish to make use of tax free shopping in North Cyprus will have to keep their receipts and when they leave the country via Ercan airport or from a ferry port they can apply to the tax offices that are to be set up at such locations for cash or credit card refunds.There will be a minimum amount on which tax can be reclaimed and this will amount to about half of the minimum monthly wage in TRNC which is currently seven hundred and eighty new Turkish Lira or three hundred and thirty pounds.Because KDV (VAT) will be refunded on everything from clothes,computers,shoes,sunglasses,perfumes,cosmetics, toys and mobile phones it's going to be quite easy for the majority of people to quickly accrue receipts to the value of around one hundred and sixty five pounds - which means that tax free shopping in North Cyprus is going to become one of the most popular things to do for holiday makers in the very near future and may well boost the number and quality of the retail outlets currently in TRNC.This will benefit residents as well as non-residents, push up the appeal of the island and boost the economy of the North  a win-win situation�well done the government.Each adult is permitted to bring 400 cigarettes, 500gr tobacco or 50 cigars,1 litre of wine or spirits and up to 100cl of perfume.


Telecommunication in Northern Cyprus:International telecommunication facilities are a rapidly growing sector of the economy in Northern Cyprus. The company responsible for all telecommunication also provides telex, fax, telegram transmission and ISDN/e-mail facilities.When making international calls the cheap rates are from 20:00 to 08:00 hrs. Monday -Friday and all hours over the weekend. To dial from Northern Cyprus to UK dial 00 44 and omit the first 0 of the UK code. To dial from UK to Northern Cyprus dial 00 90 392 then the area code, followed by the number required. (Northern Cyprus is 2 hours ahead of GMT).


Mobile Phones and GSM Card in North Cyprus:You can use your mobile phone in North Cyprus.There are currently two GSM operators in Northern Cyprus.These are TELSIM and KKTCELL. Both companies are based in Turkey and as long as you have roaming facilities on your mobile phone you will be able to use your mobile phone whilst staying in Northern Cyprus.GSM coverage in North Cyprus operates on GSM 900 and GSM 1800.GSM 900 has greater penetration. Please be sure to check with your local phone company which GSM band your mobile supports because if your mobile does not support these two GSM bands, you will not be able to use your mobile phone in North Cyprus.If you have a quad band phone you will be fine. If your mobile phone is tri band you will need to make sure that the Northern Cyprus GSM band is one of your combinations.GSM 900 is the band that has the greatest coverage. As roaming charges can be quite costly, you do have another alternative.You can buy a local sim card to use in your mobile phone while you are in Northern Cyprus. This will allow you to use your phone locally without having to pay roaming charges.The downside to this however, is that you will also have a new mobile number. In order to use this alternative, you will need to ensure that your mobile phone is not locked.Another option for those who do not possess mobile phones is phone cards. There are phone booths situated all over Northern Cyprus.Phone cards can be purchased from the Telecommunications Office (PTT) which is situated opposite the post office in Kyrenia.They are similar to the ones you can buy at home and all calls are charged at a fixed rate. These can be much cheaper than using your mobile phones roaming charges.


Internet in Northern Cyprus:Internet access is increasingly available in tourist centres in the guise of internet cafes and side rooms equipped with monitors.There are many intrenet cafes available in Kyrenia and Alsancak with very reasonable prices.Most hotels and resorts now offer internet access to their guests under various arrangements.


Newspapers/Magazines:There are several English and Turkish newspapers printed daily.Most English newspapers are on sale at the hotels and in the major supermarkets. Printed in Greece and Turkey they normally arrive one date after being printed.'Cyprus Today' is published every Saturday and available from most receptions and restaurants. A lively weekly newspaper which will inform you of any special events happening whilst you are here.


Pets in Northern Cyprus:Pets can be brought into the country from Europe with little hassle.The Ministry of Agriculture requires a certificate from a European vet stating that your animal is free of major diseases.Quarantine is approximately 4 weeks at the Lefkosa kennels. Contact Margaret Ray Chairperson of KAR Kyrenia Animal Rescue for any questions relating to your pets.


NORTH CYPRUS NIGHTLIFE:From season to season the physical and economic landscape of Northern Cyprus changes as companies are established, houses are constructed and more people move to enjoy the fantastic quality of life in North Cyprus.But because the landscape has changed it's time to update you on North Cyprus night life again.The latest addition to the evening entertainment scene is Neo Bar which is located in the old NightJar premises and which is already heating up to become the ultimate destination of distinction in the whole of Northern Cyprus.Located in the heart of Kyrenia North Cyprus.Neo Bar has to be seen to be believed - the bar has been completely transformed into a modern and stylish haven for those seeking the ultimate fusion of sophisticated company, a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere, stunning surroundings and fantastic entertainment.The bar is the brainchild of local entrepreneur Mike Armstrong and he has left his indelible and inimitable style on Neo Bar meaning that the bar will become the centre of North Cyprus night life without a doubt.Seeking to entertain a broad range of clientele Mike will be brining a great entertainment line up to Neo Bar every night of the week apart from Sundays, his line up will include international DJs, comedians, solo singers and bands as well as showcasing brand new local talent.An old favourite that has recently seen an increase in attention is Escape beach club where party goers are to be found every weekend dancing late into the night at the beach club and enjoying the stunning sunrises over the Mediterranean cove around which Escape curves invitingly! New additions to the club scene include BarCode, 5 Mile and Ice all of which are located to the West of Kyrenia near Bare Hill Holiday Village and around the town of Alsancak. For those in search of a more sedate evening why not try the brand new restaurant at the Vaha Spa and Healt Club in Karsiyaka which has a fantastic menu, enjoys an exceptionally beautiful setting and offers diners a good wine list unlike many of the restaurants in Northern Cyprus! Or more centrally located there's The Old Grapevine in Kyrenia which has been refurbished and which is now under new management.The Old Grapevine offers diners a relaxed and romantic setting for dinner and it affords those who would prefer a pre-club drink a great selection of beer, wine and cocktails.


CASINOS IN NORTHERN CYPRUS:There are well over 30 superior casinos in North Cyprus and some play host to established cabaret acts and singers from Turkey and Europe to add to the glamour and entertainment on offer already.Every major hotel has realised that adding a sophisticated but subtlety located casino adds an extra layer of exclusivity and also provides a tempting and fun environment for guests who are looking for something more out of their holiday in North Cyprus. And it's not just the gambling savvy who are to be found in the likes of Liman Casino or the Colony's casino; anyone who fancies a quick turn around the slot machines or even those who want to place a bet on the outcome of international sporting events are welcome.All the casinos have placed great focus and attention to detail on creating a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere conducive of concentration.Considerable time and effort has also been placed on developing attractive havens for those simply looking to soak up the atmosphere, enjoy a cocktail or glass of wine without actually playing or gambling.


GYMS AND SPA'S:In fact,North Cyprus is home to a surprisingly high number of gyms, spas,and sporting facilities for such a small nation and if you're thinking of moving to live here or you're just an active person coming on holiday to the island and hoping to keep fit during your stay, this is our guide to gyms, spas and keeping fit in North Cyprus.The best hotels such as The Rocks,The Colony, Malpas and Mercure all have their own in house gyms and fitness suites.Non-residents can of course join the leisure clubs at such hotels and prices are fairly reasonable when you consider you're becoming a member of a gym at a five star establishment! You can also use these hotel's pools and where available their saunas and sunbeds as well.If you fancy something a little less high grade and high price where the emphasis is not so much on what you wear to work out and who you chat to in the bar (the juice bar of course) afterwards, then we would recommend either the MegaSportsGym in Kyrenia which is just down the road from the main school and just up the narrow road opposite ReMax estate agency, or the Lifezone Fitness Centre which is Kervansaray.Both MegaSports and Lifezone are run by friendly staff, there is always someone on hand to show you how the machines work or to help you devise a program most suited to your age,fitness ability and ultimate reason for joining a gym and both men and women work out side by side so girls, there's no excuse! There is also a program of aerobics at both facilities and you can call Lifezone on 0392 822 2957 and Mega Sports on 0542 851 2609 to find out more.


NORTH CYPRUS VILLAGES:The people of Cyprus refrained from establishing civil facilities next to the sea because of terrorizing pirate raids. North Cyprus villages were located on hills or in fertile valleys in the mountains. It was a wise decision to take shelter on higher ground where the people easily observed approaching vessels. The higher altitude also meant cooler weather, better landscape, proximity to firewood and abundance of potable water. The few mud-brick houses of such villages in North Cyprus have changed into modern residences of today, as in Karmi,Ilgaz, Lapta, �atalk�y,Kar��yaka.Please take a look at the map of North Cyprus and you will see these pearls strung along the Kyrenia range


NORTH CYPRUS FESTIVALS AND EVENTS:North Cyprus is becoming a generous host to many cultural events.The island has started to host many cultural events over the past few years.They are generally held at historical sites such as Bellapais abbey,Kyrenia castle, Salamis Ampitheatre and Othello's Tower, such events have always attracted wide interest and you can come across cultural activities almost every weekend making it possible for visitors to experience such culture.During the spring months of April and May Bellapais Abbey plays host to an array of celebrated musicians all over the world.Another city beginning to make a name for hosting music activities in Famagusta.It is possible to listen to many mucisians courtesy of Famagusta municipality's annual music festival.Apart from the packed festival programme there are individual events to entertain music lovers.


Kyrenia International Olive Festival: One of the most precious products of the Mediterranean is the olive.The benefits of olive and olive oil to our health have been emphasized in the recent years.In order to encourage olive production and to promote its side products worldwide, various countries in the Mediterranean region such as Portugal, Spain, Turkey, Italy, Greece and France undertake various activities.Since 2001, the Municipality of Kyrenia have been organizing the Olive Festival in the village of Zeytinlik, in order to promote and encourage olive production and also increase tourism potential of Girne.The 6th Olive Fest will take place between 5th and 10th of October, 2007.Many local and international artists and dance groups are invited to the fest. This year's participants are as follows;The Municipality of Bursa,Municipality of Izmir-Karsiyaka, Italy, Slovakia, Russia, Romania, Russia,Romania, Germany, members from the Turkish Cypriot Folklor Dance Federation. In addition to the traditional folklore dance teams, the local music bands will also take place at the festival. The main theme of the festival is the promotion of olive and protection of olive trees.For the last 4 years, we have been trying to increase the artistic dimension of the festival.In addition to the music, folklore dance shows, painting-sculpture exhibitions, we also incorporated a puppet-making workshop, Puppet Shows from Turkey & Russia.The City Theatre of the Municipality of Bursa will perform two different plays


CAR DRIVING IN NORTH CYPRUS:Driving in Northern Cyprus is the most advisable form of transport as there are infrequent bus services to many of the more remote areas of the country; and bus services cease to operate after 5:00 p.m.Road surfaces between major towns and villages are reasonably good, but some mountain and village roads are still unsurfaced, so care should be taken especially in wet weather. Visitors wishing to bring their own car to Northern Cyprus from abroad may do so for a period of up to 3 months provided the vehicle has a valid registration license from its country of origin.Visitors in Cyprus can drive using a valid international driving license or a valid driving license from their country of origin. Visitors bringing their own cars from abroad will need to purchase insurance upon entry to Northern Cyprus. Most petrol stations are open from 7:00 a.m. and close around 8:00 a.m. Some however, stay open later and there is an increasing number of stations which operate 24 hours a day. Free municipal parking is available in all major towns.In Northern Cyprus, drive on the left.Traffic and road signs are International. Maximum speed is 100km./hr. Drivers are prohibited to drive under the influence of alcohol. The limit is 50 mgr (As in Europe).


Address: Karaoglanoglu Ave. No:43

Alsancak / Kyrenia ,  99360

Tel: +90 392 821 26 09 /10


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